Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Lesson Plan #1

Lesson Plan #1: Incorporating Technology Into The Classroom
Prepared by: Sean O'Connor and Mike Bermejo

To incorporate technology (specifically the Internet) into the everyday classroom learning, giving the student a knowledge of computers and Gabriel Garcia's Marquez's masterpiece One Hundred Years of Solitude simultaneously. Additionly, students will develop writing and constructive criticism skills.

  1. Classroom introduction and greetings, run through of rules and guidelines.
  2. Quick review of topics of interest from One Hundred Years of Solitude.
  3. Run through of assignment, as well as discussing directions of the assigment.
  4. Enter the computer lab.
  5. At this point, students will access http://solitudeproject.blogspot.com/ either via Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer.
  6. On the left hand side of the webpage, they are provided links to the pages of their classmates.
  7. They must choose four (4) blogs and leave a reflection comment on any blog which they choose. Each reflection comment must be of substance and will be counted for a grade.
  8. If time permits, we will discuss as a class our reflections, in addition to what were our favorite or least favorite blogs, and reasons for marking them as such.
  9. We will either return to the classroom or dismiss from the computer lab, all depending on the time available.

1 comment:

mbrown8625 said...

I like this!!! I know you're not finished with the lesson plans. I love that you've taken what you've been doing (with this project) and enhanced it based on what's naturally happened in the class. This is what I mean by adding to, or enhancing, what's already been done!!!

You two are doing fabulous work! I can't wait to see the rest!