Monday, March 26, 2007

Active Reading: Chapter Nineteen


"It's all right, child, now tell me who it is."
This is Pilar Ternera, who Aureliano II visits for advice. She is very old and wise, and is of much help to him. Here, she is asking who he is in love with. When he responds Amaranta Ursula, she responds, "Don't you worry, wherever she is right now, she's waiting for you."

Magical Realism
The fact that the Buendia's have faded away out of Macondo's memory. Once the most recognized family in the village, as well as the most important, they now mean next to nothing. Their drop from the top proved to be a long, drawn out battle full of pain and suffering.

Change, love. Amaranta Ursula returns with her husband Gaston and wants to help revive Macondo. While there, Aureliano II falls in love with her and they have a relationship. Before they have anything official, Aureliano II has a relationship with a black prostitute he meets around Macondo. This also shows how Macondo has changed, now having prostitutes.

Character Development
Aureliano II falls in love with Amaranta Ursula. Gaston wishes to become an entrepreneur there in Macondo and the surrounding Latin areas.

Chapter nineteen is marked by the return of Amaranta Ursula. She brings with her her European husband Gaston. She intends to help change Macondo, but when she is there she realizes that it will be an impossible task to accomplish. Aureliano II starts to fall in love with her during her trip, and spends much time considering having a relationship with her. The fear of incest in the family, long forgotten, seems to play little factor in his choice to go for her. She puts up a fight to having sex with him, but she eventually caves in.

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